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Japan - U.S. Cherry Blossom Centennial

Nationwide Cherry Blossom Tree Planting Initiative

Cherry Blossom Tree Planting Ceremony


Chena Hot Springs, Alaska

100 years ago, Cherry Blossom Trees were presented to the United States as a gift of the people of Japan. Planted in Washington D.C. in 1912, these beautiful trees have blossomed every spring as a symbol of the lasting friendship between the U.S.A. and Japan.

The Cherry Blossom Centennial, a commemorative event to further the U.S. and Japanese relationship, is a special event planting cherry blossom trees across the U.S.A. and at the Cherry Blossom Centennial, to further deepen the U.S. and Japan's close relationship, the commemorative cherry blossom trees have been planted all over the U.S.

Chena Hot Springs Resort is honored to be selected as a planting site to celebrate the friendship among the U.S., Alaska and Japan, the first site selected for Alaska and the northern most location in the U.S.

Celebrating the 100 year anniversary, Chena Hot Springs Resort pleased to host the "Cherry Blossom Tree Planting Ceremony".

         Date and Time of the event: June 29, 2013 Saturday at 11:00am

         Place of the event:    The Activitorirum at Chena Hot Springs Resort

Contact : sakura@chenahosprings.com
Address : P.O. Box 58740 Fairbans, Alaska 99711

*** Press Release ***
Cherry Blossom - Press Release.pdf

 Nationwide Cherry Blossom Trees Map 

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COPYLEFT コピーレフト 2010 チナ温泉リゾート